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General Information
BDSM Information
Life In General

I love to laugh, joke around, and have a sharp sense of humor. That sense of humor will pop up out of nowhere throughout this website in everything I write and in some of the photos and other things I post. It’s a good idea to keep that in mind!

I’m safe, sane, and definitely NOT an axe murderer. But I suppose everyone says that.

I’m completely transparent, have nothing to hide, and I’m honest to a fault.

I despise liars and phonies. With the simple exception of lonely, pathetic losers who will do and say anything to have another human touch them. These people are the bullied, beta losers our society creates. I cut them some slack because their sexual life and, usually their social life is completely non-existent and unbearably lonely. I’m sure anyone in that situation would lie, cheat, and steal, for some human contact. They are harmless little people who in every case humiliate themselves and become bigger losers by wasting a legitimate players time with their promises to meet and play, knowing full well that the reality part of their brain will never allow the fantasy part of their brain to actually go through with it. So sad…

I live my life by a few simple guidelines. Read them in "Words to Live By", or click here.
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