General Information
BDSM Information

BDSM with submissive couples is by far the most fun and rewarding. I’m not going to provide details of what to expect. I’ll provide information about what won’t happen, and, what I hope we all experience.
- My involvement is completely non-sexual.
- You should expect to experience sexual discipline involving dildos, strap-on's, and other sexual toys that I used for discipline. Administering this discipline will involve my hands, and body to a certain extent.
- If you’re we've had a "safe" meeting and discussion, and decided to move forward with serious engagement, you will be directed to a hidden section of this website that has very specific rules, discusses safety, and other important thing to know.
When I play with submissive couples, I create a few predicament bondage scenarios that you share as a couple.In most, but not every case, you will determine how much discipline your partner will experience.
How? Simple, you'll be asked. This is predicament bondage after all. So, the extent of discipline you are prepared to experience in your partners stead will reduce the discipline your partner will receive. I’m just the facilitator. A sadistic facilitator.
Confused? Let me help you… Imagine you and your partner are camping deep in the woods. You're attacked by bears, run for your lives, and squeeze into a small cave for safety. When you do, the entrance collapses leaving you entombed. The good news is that there's a fresh air supply and your cell phone works. The bad news is that the battery is about to die and the rescue workers can't get an exact fix on your location. It may take 4 to 5 days before they find you. The cave will provide safe shelter and the few protein bars you have will sustain you. But, what about water? In the cave there are two water sources. Plenty for both of you. Unfortunately, the main supply is brownish and smells like sulphur. Drinking it won’t kill you, but it taste terrible, is hard to swallow, and causes brutal stomach & abdominal cramps, and makes your body ache from head to toe. Too much of it may kill you. The second source is a tiny trickle that is pristine and safe to drink. But, it is a drip and won't provide more than a few ounces a day. How do you work together as a couple in order that you both survive? What sacrifices are you each prepared to make so that your partner and you survive? What will you do for each other? How far will each of you go? That is what a BDSM engagement with me will help you learn.
With committed couples I try for your submissive BDSM engagement to accomplish two things... 1. At the core is the sexual gratification you both need and will achieve from the BDSM experience. 2. Through this experience, your intimacy, trust, and understanding of yourself and each other almost always leads to a much higher plain in your relationship as a couple.
Think about my example for a while. Assuming you survived being in the cave together, how do you think those life and death challenges would change your relationship as a couple?
Not every couple wants to experience predicament bondage scenarios. In many situations, one partner is dominant and has very specific ideas as to what they and their submissive partner want when adding a second dominant person into their play. I'm open to, and have probably experienced whatever it is you're looking to do. Don't be shy, just ask.There are only two things that you must always keep in mind.
1. I'm inviting you to my house and my world. Respect it.2. I submit to nobody, ever!